2017, November 26
The magnificent St. Augustine Church, a UNESCO-world heritage site hosted a thousand prominent figures in national government and business sector who witnessed the wedding union of former president Ferdinand E. Marcos’ grandson from daughter, Ilocos Norte Governor Ma. Imelda “Imee” R. Marcos—lawyer Michael Ferdinand Marcos Manotoc and Carina Amelia Gamboa Manglapus of Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, granddaughter of the late former Sen. Raul Manglapus, political foe of the later Mr. Marcos. Decorated with indigenous plants and flowers, the Paoay Church hosted the prominent wedding guests and visitors. a mixed use of modern and traditional Ilocano wedding, the Manotoc- Manglapus wedding, highlighted the old cultural values of Ilocano wedding rites such as the traditional “mano” to the principal sponsors. While doing so, the “ninongs” and “ninangs” shelled out some money as a gift to the newlyweds. But instead of taking the money to start their family, the couple decided to donate whatever funds raised from the wedding as a “gift of love” to the victims of war in Marawi City.