The town of Marcos is an agricultural area close to the foothills of the Cordillera Mountains. Travelers should make it a point to visit the town center if only to witness the sweeping view of the municipality’s rolling terrain carpeted with neatly ordered rows of vegetables, grains and fruit trees.
Browsing category Towns
Laoag City is the capital of Ilocos Norte. It is the traditional hub of politics, commerce, education and religion in all of Ilocandia and has continued its dominance to this day. As the most progressive city in the region, Laoag prides itself with modern infrastructure facilities that include an international airport, state-of-the-art telecommunication facilities as
Dumalneg’s terrain rolls as the land rises to meet the Cordillera mountains. This lush municipality is home to a predominantly Yapayao population. The people here take great pride in their culture so it is not surprising to meet locals wearing traditional clothing while walking around the municipality.
The coastal town of Currimao is blessed with breathtaking views of the sea. Coral formation rise from its crystal clear waters. Reaching heights of more than 12 feet, these coral remains are made of the same materials that have been used to build the baroque churches of the province. Visitors to Currimao should pack
Carasi is a quiet rustic town perched on a plateau at the border of Ilocos Norte and Apayao. It is one of the province’s smallest towns and is a populated mostly by Yapayaos and Itnegs. The unpopulated area, which is more than half of the entire municipality’s land area, is forestland. Life remains uncomplicated
Burgos prides itself with having one of the most photographed coastlines in the province. Standing guard over this beautiful coast is one of Ilocos Norte’s more popular landmarks, the Cape Bojeador lighthouse. Built on a limestone promontory, the lighthouse is the tallest structure for miles on end.
To this day the City Batac remains a vital educational powerhouse. Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) finds its home in this municipality, the hometown of the family whose surname the university bears. Aside from being associated with the Marcoses, Batac is also home to many important historical figures such as Gregorio Aglipay and Artemio Ricarte.
The people of Banna take pride in an enchanted mountain called Mount Mawakwakar. The mountain is shrouded in mystery and several local legends have sprung from it. Many people believe in the healing power of the water from Mount Mawakwakar. Visitors to Banna may want to join a group of locals who hike to the
Bangui is a tourist paradise waiting to be discovered. Bangui’s crystal-clear waters and fine sandy beaches stretch uninterrupted from one end of the municipality’s coast to the other. These waters are ideal for swimming, sea kayaking and snorkeling. The beauty of the land equals that of the coast.