Typhoon and flood wreak much destruction [Aurelio]
Browsing category Chronology
Telegraph lines are laid in Bacarra, Pasuquin, Dirique, and Cape Bojeador [de los Reyes] By 1799 According to a document, marriageable ages for girls are 12 to 16 years, and for boys, 14 to 18 years [de los Reyes]
Four kilns start manufacture of bricks for construction of the church in San Nicolas [Aurelio]
Revolt breaks out in Laoag against tobacco monopoly abuses. More than 1,000 rebels are pacified through the intervention of the parish priest of Batac, Fray Pedro Blaquier (later bishop of Nueva Segobia) [Keesing, de los Reyes] Solsona is organized as a barangay with Nicolas Joban as first cabeza de barangay [Aurelio]
The Real Compañía de Filipinas introduces thousands of looms along the Galician model, which is larger than the local one [de los Reyes]
Church walls of Batac are designed by Fr. Manuel Aparicio, and strengthened with Jose Cleto as master mason [Cadiz]
Tobacco Monopoly, established in 1781, is extended by Governor Jose Basco y Vargas to Ilocos and Cagayan [de Jesus]