Fray Vicente Barreiro, parish priest of Laoag during these years, introduces the lanzadera volante loom which enables the weaving of tablecloths approximately 2 ½ yards wide [Hernandez]
Browsing category Chronology
Upon the recommendation of Governor Manuel Bernaldez Pizarro, a Real Cedula separates the old Ilocos province into Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, with Sarrat and Vigan as capitals respectively. After a short time, Laoag takes over from Sarrat as capital of Ilocos Norte [Keesing, de los Reyes, Scharpf]
Once more, unfair practices of the principales (landed class) of Sarrat cause the cailianes (commoners) to revolt. Houses around the plaza, as well as the tribunal of Sarrat are burned; many principales are killed in their own houses. Doña Rosa Agcaoili, the hated dispensera of the parish priest, Fray Jose Nieto, is dismembered, and parts
A hospital for lepers is established in Laoag by Fr. Vicente Febres, OSA [de los Reyes]
A religious conspiracy involving the worship of the god Lungao is found in the mountains of Sarrat. Its leaders are later exiled and punished [de los Reyes]
June Prisoners escape from Vigan and hide in Piddig. Failing to take Sarrat, they take the drums (tambores) from the outposts and bring them into the forest. Troops sent from Vigan to Laoag bring temporary peace. However rebellious meetings continue in Piddig and its visita Santiago. Discontent is traced to abuse of power by the
Laoag residents rise up in arms against abuses in the collection of taxes on tobacco and wine; convento and other houses are burned. Drums are used to warn the populace against fire [de los Reyes]
Earliest mention of a dramatic presentation in Iloco (said to be a comedy, it was performed in Batac, and noted by a French visitor, Renouard de Sainte Croix) [Rosal]